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Peninsula Park in Barefoot Lakes is Nature's Home

January 29, 2018
Peninsula Park Lake Barefoot Lakes in Denver CO

When the Barefoot Lakes community was still just somebody’s great idea here at Brookfield Residential, even before we turned the first cubic foot of dirt, we included a vision for all the ways that residents could enjoy the natural environment. Now, thanks to a conceptual video, you can see in technicolor exactly what we had in mind.

The video on the “Community” page of the BarefootLakes.com website shows the complete grand plans for all the features of “Peninsula Park” – the area of land that juts into the main Barefoot Lake. Peninsula Park and its “Fitness Island” to the southwest are shaped like the toe of the “boot” of Italy, with nearby Sicily. And thanks to the video, you can fully appreciate our plans to place so many features into that space: Amphitheater Lawn (imagine the great concerts!), Picnic Lawn (imagine the great food!), Adventure Playground, Grand Lawn, Pier & Dock, Stage and more.

The two-minute video starts with a high-level aerial view with a notation of how all the features fit into the geography. The video “drills down” into closer looks at the Pier & Dock, Amphitheater Lawn, Fitness Island, Picnic Lawn and Adventure Playground, in that order.

The video calls Barefoot Lakes “… the haven where nature calls home,” and indeed there is more “nature” per square foot than anywhere else we know of in the area, with Peninsula Park as its prime focus. You can expect to enjoy this park before the year is over, so start planning what you’re going to do at Barefoot Lakes today.